Lisa McGuyer

Success Story

Sixty-four-year-old Lisa McGuyer is an active housewife who enjoys knitting and crocheting. She lives in Commerce, Texas, and is married with three adult children, one granddaughter, and one more grandchild on the way. Spending time with her family, babysitting her granddaughter, and traveling are her favorite pastimes.

Lisa’s life took a dramatic turn when she was in a vehicle accident. She had lost control of her truck and hit a tree head-on. After initial treatment at an acute care hospital, Lisa was referred to Mesquite Rehabilitation Institute (MRI) for inpatient rehabilitation.

Lisa finds that the challenges of pain from the accident have been difficult to overcome. However, her positive attitude and support from the hospital staff have kept her focused on her goal of regaining mobility and returning home to her family. “I feel grateful and blessed,” Lisa says. “The staff has been very kind and helpful.”

Lisa now is able to walk and looks forward to going home to spend time with her family.